Jean Smith Virtual Trunk Show
Jean Smith Virtual Trunk Show
If you love flowers as much as we, do you will love Jean Smith Virtual Trunk show that we will be hosting during the moth of May. April showers bring May flowers and that is surly what Jean has done. Here is a taste of her new designs for 2021. We are offering 20% off all trunk show canvases. To view Jean’s full line please visit her website at
Finishing Friday
Great finishing to share this week.
Stitched by Nancy
Stitched by Stella
Stitched by Susan
Stitched by Helaine
Stitched by Joan
Stitched by Liz
Stitched by Lisa
Stitched by Catherine
Stitched by Carol
Stitched by Gail
Stitched by Sally
Stitched by Stella
Stitched by Syndi
Summer Purses
Summer Purses
Are you looking for a new summer purse? Well look to further. We have some fabulous Rachel Donley canvases that can be personalized and when finished added to these wonderful QBS Designs purses. Don’t wait call us today!
Staff Pick Wednesday
Staff Pick Wednesday
Is it almost summer? Not yet but we have this charming canvas that will put you in the mood. At first glance the canvas gives the appearance of being simple but you can bring it to life! With ribbon flower stitches, beads and metallic threads you can bring it to life. Don’t leave the background white add some color to it. We have the perfect over-dyed blue thread from the Caron Collection that would be wonderful for the background. The canvas is on sale for $139 originally priced at $185.
Mindy’s Lacquer Dragonfly Boxes & Canvases
Mindy’s Lacquer Dragonfly Boxes & Canvases
These magnificent Mindy Lacquer Dragonfly boxes with coordinating canvases (priced separately) just arrived at the shop. Today is a good day to treat yourself to a unique gift that will be a show stopper on your living room table or make it someone special.
Mindy’s Seasonal Hearts
♥ Mindy’s Seasonal Hearts ♥
We love our hearts and these Mindy seasonal hearts are just delightful. Many of us are looking for seasonal canvases to stitch and these fit the bill. Here is a finishing thought. Stitch them up and have them finished so that they can go into your new Lucite ort box. As the seasons change you change the heart.
Last call for the Nenah Stone Virtual Trunk Show
Last call for the Nenah Stone Virtual Trunk Show
Last call for the Nenah Stone Virtual Trunk Show. If you see something that you would like please let us know by April 30th. Here is a taste of her fun canvases. We are offering 20% off of all trunk show canvases. To see her full line please visit her website at
Finishing Friday
We love seeing our customers finishing!
Stitched by Lisa
Stitched by Rachel
Stitched by Jean
Stitched by Trish
Stitched by Susan
Stitched by Catherine
Stitched by Allie
Stitched by Ann
Stitched by Holly
Stitched by Karen
New Canvases in the Shop
New Canvases in the Shop
Several really adorable canvases have just come in from the Meredith Collection & Pippin.
We are pretty sure one of these is calling your name! Give us a call.