Great DJ Designs Canvas In-Stock
Great DJ Designs Canvas In-Stock
How fun would this fabulous canvas be to stitch? The canvas is 14 by 14 and is on 13 count mesh. This canvas can really be jazzed up by using beads and metallic threads for the flowers. Padding the lips and using a bright red Neon Rays would make her lips pop. Need a few more ideas? Come on over to the shop and our staff will be glad to assist you. Our hours are 10am to 2pm Tuesdays through Saturday.
Santa, Mrs. Claus & Elf Ornaments in Stock
Santa, Mrs. Claus & Elf Ornaments in Stock
How adorable are these Christmas ornaments? So many thread and stitching options! Turkey work would be great for the trim on the Santa & Mrs. Claus ornaments. If you are not into Turkey work you can do French Knows with white Fuzzy Stuff. Do any variation of Alicia’s Lace for the apron. Very Velvet would be great for any of these. Each ornament is $50. Now is a great time to start planning your stitching for next Christmas. Give us a call if something catches your eye!
New Patty Paints Canvases
New Patty Paints Canvases
Looking for a small project? A few Patty Paints canvases came in this week. We are expecting our order for the self-finishing leather ornament holders from Planet Earth so if you need a last-minute gift you can certainly plan on making one for the 2021 holiday season.
We have several holiday rounds in stock as well so stop by and see if something catches your eye!
Doolittle Stitchery Trunk Show
Doolittle Stitchery Trunk Show
Doolittle Stitchery has so many canvases to choose from. Here is a taste of some of their ornaments. To view their full line please visit their website at
We are offering 20% off of all trunk show canvases. Give us a call if something catches your eye!
Finishing Friday
Fun Stuff to Share!
Stitched by Joel
Finished by Mary Lou
Stitched by Dawn
Stitched by Elizabeth
Stitched by Stella
Stitched by Pam
Stitched by Jane
Stitched by Molly
Stitched by Claire
Stitched by Amanda
Stitched by Sherry
Stitched by Jean
Stitched by Susan
Stitched by Marilyn
Stitched by Meghan
Stitched by Debra
Stitched by Jane
Heidi Canvases In-Stock
Heidi Canvases In-Stock
Who doesn’t love Charlie Brown & Snoopy? We just got in 8 absolutely adorable Heidi canvases from her Peanut’s collection. Start planning your holiday ornament stitching now for 2022. Give us a call if something catches your eye!
New Canvases from A Stitch In Time
New Canvases from A Stitch In Time
We loved hosting the trunk show from A Stitch In Time last month. Here are a few of the canvases that we choose for the shop. Lots of fun stitches, threads & beads can be used on any of them. Give us a call if something catches your eye.
Doolittle Stitchery Trunk Show
Doolittle Stitchery Trunk Show
Doolittle Stitchery has so many canvases to choose from. In addition to their various travel rounds & squares they have a variety of themed canvases. Here is a taste of some of their canvases. To view their full line please visit their website at
We are offering 20% off of all trunk show canvases. Give us a call if something catches your eye!