Last Call Funda Scully Trunk Show
Last call for the Funda Scully Trunk Show. Hope you had a chance to stop by the shop.
Here is a taste of a few more of her designs.
We are offering 20% off of all trunk show orders. To view Funda’s full line please visit her website at
We are pretty sure you will find something that catches your eye!
Funda Scully Trunk Show
Have you had a chance to stop by the shop to view the Trunk Show. We are at the half way point so please stop by. Here is a taste of a few of her Halloween canvases. We are offering 20% off of all trunk show orders.
To view Funda’s full line please visit her website at
Finishing Friday
Stitch by Laura
Stitch by Lisa
Stitch by Jill
Stitch by Nicole
Stitch by Jane
Stitch by Christina
Stitch by Robin
Stitch by Lucy
Stitch by Lynn