Cooper Oaks Trunk Show
We are very excited to be hosting the Cooper Oaks Trunk Show during the month of June. Cooper Oaks represents several designers. There is a wide range of designs, bright colors & fun themes. Here is a taste of some of their new designs. We are offer 20% off all trunk show canvases.
To view the full line please visit their website at
Finishing Friday
Stitched by Lynn
Stitched by Jennifer
Stitched by Debra
Stitched by Mary
Stitched by Gretchen
Stitched by Kappy
Stitched by Jessica
Alice Peterson/Gayla Elliot Trunk Show
Last Call! Sadly, we must send back the Alice Peterson/Gayla Elliot Trunk Show back. If you had your eye on a canvas or two now is the time to grab them. We are offering 20% off all trunk show canvases.
To view the full line please visit their site at