Kate Dickerson Advent Calendar

 Kate Dickerson Advent Calendar

Are looking to stitch a once in a lifetime heirloom that can be handed down from generation to generation?   Kate Dickerson has designed the most elegant Advent Calendar and we have the entire set in the shop.  The Christmas tree and ornaments are on 18 count canvas.

When this gorgeous canvas is finished magnets are place behind each day and behind each ornament to allow the smaller canvases to be held in place making them interactive and fun to have out during the holiday season.

In addition to designing the Advent Calendar Kate has also written a stitch guide to go with it.  If you are interesting in purchasing canvas and the guide or just the canvas please contact the shop either by phone or email.

KD Advent Calendar

Sew Much Fun Virtual Trunk Show

Sew Much Fun Virtual Trunk Show

Have you taken a peek at all the great canvases that are part of Sew Much Fun’s Virtual Trunk show?   We are offering 20% off of all trunk show canvases.  To view their whole line please go to their website at http://www.sewmuchfun.ca.

Stephanie stitched Ella Elephant & Lilly Frog for her granddaughter and will be adding Naomi & Normi Gnome to her collection.


Ella & Lilly


Here is a taste of some of their canvases.

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Julie Mar Canvases are in the House

Julie Mar Canvases are in the House

All of these canvases with their vibrant colors are just screaming stitch me!  For those that are stitching and collecting Hamsa’s the Doves over Jerusalem measures 7 by 5 and is on 13 count canvas.  A great stitch for the wings would be Helen’s Lace (see our blog post on 9/14 for a full description of the stitch).

The two colorful tiles measure 4 by 4 and are on 18 count canvas.  Lots of potential for fancy stitches using Neon Rays and Neon Rays Plus, Entice and beads.  The same is true for the blue floral canvas which measures 11 by 13 on 13 count canvas.  If you love landscape canvases the spring canvas is just up you ally.  This canvas is 10 by 10 and is on 18 count canvas.  The stitching possibilities for this canvas are endless.

If you see something that you like give us a call and let us know.  We will gladly help you pull threads and make stitch suggestions for any of these great canvases.

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Staff Pick Wednesday – Anne Fisher Backgammon Board

Anne Fisher

For today’s Staff Pick we have this fabulous Chinoiserie Backgammon Board designed by Anne Fisher.  Once you finish the stitching, we can have it finished as a flat board then we can arrange to have a custom fitted Lucite tray to cover it.   Your piece will become a family heirloom that can be used for generations to come.  Originally priced at $437 and is now on sale for $306.

New Kathy Schenkel Canvases have at the Shop

Slowly but surely new canvases have been arriving at the shop. We just got some great Kathy Schenkel ornaments in.  Now is the perfect time to start planning you holiday gifts for next year.  These ornaments would be great to use up some of your stash threads but if you ask us to kit them for you, we will give you 10% off of the threads.  Give us a call if something catches your eye!

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New Kathy Schenkel Canvases have at the Shop

Slowly but surely new canvases have been arriving at the shop. We just got some great Kathy Schenkel ornaments in.  Now is the perfect time to start planning you holiday gifts for next year.  These ornaments would be great to use up some of your stash threads but if you ask us to kit them for you, we will give you 10% off of the threads.  Give us a call if something catches your eye!

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New Stitch Monday – Staircase

Last week I wrote about the Diagonal Hungarian Ground stitch.  The Staircase stitch is very similar with possibilities for a twist.  Personally, I would have called this stitch Diagonal Hungarian Ground Variation but I guess every stitch needs its own name.   Instead of doing a Mosaic stitch you tent stitch (shown in yellow on diagram) the accent stitches.  Just like the Diagonal Hungarian Ground stitch you can jazz up this stitch by adding metallic threads for the accent stitches or use coordinating colored threads such as Splendor, Vineyard Silk or Planet Earth and then add a matching Neon Rays or Neon Rays Plus.  I also think using an over-dyed thread for the main stitch (shown in pink on diagram) and then add a solid color thread for the accent stitches would give this stitch an interesting look.  Here is another twist, add beads!  Give it a try!

Happy Stitching – Stephanie


Staircase with Beads


Self-Finishing Projects

 Cheryl & Annie Cookie Cutters

Did you just realize that you may need an extra gift or two for the holidays?  We just got in a few of these adorable Cheryl & Annie Canvas Cookies that are self-finishing.  These will make the perfect gift and they come with finishing directions.  If the designers stitched them, they will provide a stitch guide.  For more information call or e-mail the shop.  To see some of their additional Canvas Cookies please visit their website at https://www.cherylschaeffer.com .

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Let’s Celebrate October Specials

Logo – New

 Let’s Celebrate October Specials

To help me celebrate my new role as the new owner I will be offering specials during the month of October.  Here is the schedule:

Week One – October 4th through the 10th – 15% off of all in stock canvases.  Cannot be combined with the Sew Much Fun Virtual Trunk show or sale canvases.

Week Two – October 11th through October 17th – 10% off all in stock threads, ribbons & beads.

Week Three – October 18th through October 24th – 10% off all in stock books.

Week Four – October 25th through October 31st – 10% off all in stock accessories (project bags, gadgets, needles, laying tools, etc.).

To keep you up to date be sure to like us on Facebook & follow us on Instagram for any additional specials I may offer during the month.


Correct Link for Sew Much Fun Virtual Trunk Show

Sew 11

Please note that the correct link for Sew Much Fun is http://www.sewmuchfun.ca/

Take a peek – lots of goodies to stitch!