New Canvases from Rebecca Woods

While we may all want to forget about Covid-19 that may be a little hard but Rebecca Woods has designed 2 canvas that we think you will enjoy stitching.  Santa and one of his reindeer with masks on.  Both are in stock today.

We also just got in fun Santa canvases that you can really enhance by doing turkey work for the fur on his coat and hat.  There are so many different stitches you can use for his beard and we will be glad to help you pick one.  The Double Straight Cross stitch would be great for the snow with a metallic tread.

Keep the stitching simple on the angel and use Neon Rays for her dress and add either beads or a metallic thread for the design within the dress.

Need more ideas?  Just ask us.

R. Woods 1 R. Woods 2 R. Woods 3 R. Woods 4 R. Woods 5 R. Woods 6 R. Woods 7

New Stitch Monday – Tweed Stitch & Variation

Even though I do a lot of stitching I always to go to my favorites and since I seemed to have shared most of my go to stitches, I thought I would venture out into my books and the internet and look for a new stitch to me and possibly to you.  I came across the Tweed stitch in my “Stitches to Go” book, a must have for all stitchers and then I went to the web and found a variation.

In the first diagram the base stitch of the Double Straight Cross is done over 6 threads with them touching both vertically and horizontally and the Cross stitch is in the center over 2 threads of the base stitch.  Once you complete that pattern you can then add the accent Cross stitches. As a general rule I don’t always like such open stitches because I feel it always looks like I forgot to stitch it.   I would try using this stitch in a large area or use as the background of my canvas.   I would play around with different threads such as an over-dyed with a coordinating color, metallic threads or ribbons to see what type of effect I could achieve.

In the Tweed Variation, shown below, the base of Double Straight Cross is stitched over 4 threads with the center Cross stitch over 2.  In this stitch the Double Straight Cross stitches don’t touch and the accent Cross stitches are placed in between 4 Double Straight Cross stitches.   I think this variation would be a great stitch for snow.  Give them a try.  I know I will.

Happy Stitching – Stephanie


Tween Variation

Our Celebration Sale Continues & New Two Sisters Canvases

Looking for a small project?  We just got 3 really adorable Two Sisters canvases in.  The 2 rounds will fit into the self-finishing boxes.  The blue/green plaid will make a beautiful frame.

2 Sis 1 2 Sis 2 2 Sis 3

We are continuing our celebration this week with 10% off all in stock books.  Here is a sample of our most popular books.  We do have other books in stock so come and take a peek. You can never have enough needlepoint books in your collection.

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Sew Much Fun Virtual Trunk Show

Sew Much Fun Virtual Trunk Show

Have you found your favorite Sew Much Fun canvas yet?  Well it’s not to late.  We are still hosting their virtual trunk show.

If you have an upcoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Sew Much Fun has a wide selection of Tallis bags.  Below is a taste.  You can see their whole line of Tallis bags by visiting their website.

While you are browsing take a peek at some of their floral canvases.  They also have 2 adorable Christmas canvases that would make great holiday stand-ups.

Remember there is a 20% discount on all trunk show canvases.  So why not go to their website at and see if you can’t find your perfect canvas.

Tallis 2 Tallis 3 Tallis 4 Tallis 5 Tallis 6

Tallis 1

Floral 1 Floral 2 Floral 3

xmas 2 xmas

Finishing Friday

Finishing Friday!


Stitched by Judy

Adrienne P

Stitched by Adrienne P.


Stitched by Gerry

kappy 1 Kappy 2

Stitched by Kappy

Kappy 3 Kappy 4

Stitched by Kappy


Stitched by Elizabeth


Stitched by Ellen

Annamarie 1 Annemarie 2

Stitched by Annamarie


Stitched by Carolyn


Stitched by Beth


Stitched by Susan

Ellen 1 Ellen 2

Stitched by Ellen




Voila Key Fobs & Eye Glass Cases

Key fobs anyone?  If you need a last-minute gift, we have these Voila Self-Finishing Key Fobs in stock and ready for pick-up or we can ship it to you.   We also just got in these eye glass cases.  It’s always good to have a small project or two to work on in between your larger ones.  Remember this week’s special is 10% off of threads.   Give us a call if something catches your eye!

V1 v2

V3 V4



Staff Pick Wednesday – Kirk & Bradley Holiday Whale

One thing for sure is that Kirk & Bradley have the cutest holiday themed canvases.  For today’s Staff Pick we have this adorable dome shaped whale canvas that can be finished as an ornament or a standup.  Do the stars in a metallic thread or ribbon.  Consider doing turkey work for the rim & pom pom.    There are some great stitches that can be used for the water.  The canvas is on sale today for $80 originally priced at $100.  Give us a call and this cutie can be yours.

Kirk & Bradley Whale


Voila Canvases & Tote Bags

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 Voila Canvases & Tote Bags

Who is ready to stitch one of these Voila canvases & have it added to one of their totes?  We just got these canvases and totes into the shop.  Don’t delay in picking out your favorite one.

Remember that this week’s shop special is 10% off of threads, so let us kit it for you. Give us a call today!


V8V 7 V 10

Here is a taste of some of their finished samples.



New Stitch Monday – Nobuko, Double Nobuko & Variations

One of our favorite go to stitches for backgrounds is the Nobuko stitch.  While researching to see if there are other variations, because you know there is always a variation or two, I found a sample that used 2 different colors for the basic Nobuko stitch.   It looked good and I will try it on one of my many canvases.

The Double Nobuko is also good for backgrounds and I found a variation where a Cross stitch replaces the two single stitches.

I always find it is easier to try to find a space on the canvas where you can set up a full row of the stitch.  This helps with keeping the stitch straight and avoids mixing up the long and short stitches.

Here is a hint, have a doodle canvas handy when you are trying out new stitches before stitching them on your actual canvas.  This will give you an opportunity to see if you like it and prevent needing to rip it out when you don’t.   Give them a try!

Happy Stitching – Stephanie


Nobuko Variation

Double Nobuko

Double Nobuko Variaiton

Help us Celebrate!


Help us celebrate!  This week’s special is a 10% discount on all threads, ribbons & beads.  This would be a great time to kit some of your new canvases or add to your stash.

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