Important Message About Finishing
We just received an e-mail from one of our finishers expressing their regret that they will not be able to guarantee holiday finishing. On our end we want all of you to know how sorry we are and that we have no control over it. When we receive the deadlines from the finishers in the beginning of the year, we push back the deadline 2 or more weeks. This year their deadline was August 1, and our deadline was July 15 which gave us plenty of time to get your needlepoint items to them.
Like us the finishers have also experienced the effects of Covid-19. Back in the spring they needed to shut down and when things started to open up 2 months later, they did everything in their power to process all of the orders that they had. The process of reopening was slow because some of the materials that they needed for finishing were on backorder. Sadly, several of their finishers did get Covid-19 and needed to go into quarantine before returning to the shop. This will affect those of you who are waiting for ornaments or stand-ups. We are hopeful to get most of the holiday items sent by our deadline of July 15 and we will be checking in with the finisher’s weekly as to the status those orders.
For those of you that are having pillows or stockings finished this should not affect you receiving your holiday orders.
Again, we are very sorry for this. Wishing you and your families a healthy and happy holiday season.