New Stitch Monday – Cashmere & a Few Variations
New Stitch Monday – Cashmere & a Few Variations
One handy stitch to have in repertoire is the Cashmere stitch. It a great stitch to use when you are stitching bricks or patios. It can be used in small spaces and best of all you can jazz it up. The 2 Alternating Cashmere stitches use the Smyrna Cross or a plain cross stitch in the center and these can be used as borders. If you do one of these consider using a different colored thread or a metallic thread in the center. The same can be done with the Cashmere Checker Stitch. Cashmere Variation 1A would work very well with an over-dyed thread. As with all of my suggestions play around with your threads to get the perfect look that you desire. Give them a try!
Happy Stitching – Stephanie