Staff Pick Wednesday – Summer Houses

 Wednesday Staff Picks -Patti Mann – Summer Houses

I know what you are thinking, if we are on vacation why are we still posting on the blog and sending e-mails.  Well the answer is we never stop looking for great needlepoint canvases especially if they are on sale.  Today’s “Staff Pick” is this colorful Beach House canvas by Patti Mann.   So many stripes you say, well a great book to have for this canvas is “Desert Island Stitches – Take Along Idea Books for Painted Canvas Embellishments”.  It’s a great book to have especially if you have lots of stripes.  Let us know if you would like a copy of the book.  The canvas was originally priced at $363 and is now on sale for $291 (not including threads).  If you would like us to kit it for you, we will give you 10% off of the threads.  Send us an email and we will get back to you when the shop reopens on August 4th.

Patti Mann