New Stitch Monday – Lots of Rice Stitches

Sorry I missed posting last Monday so I’ll do a double bubble this week.  Two weeks ago, I posted about the Triple Rice stitch.  I really liked that stitched and was pleased how it turned out.  While I was looking through my books for some more interesting stitches to share, I found there are many variations of the Rice Stitch.  While I have not tried all of these Rice stitches, I do see there are plenty of ways to play around with different threads to get different effects.   Using an over-dyed thread for the Rice over 2 or the Rice over 4 would give you a great look for a paved area.  Give one of them a try on y  our next project!

Rice over 2

Rice over 3

Rice over 4 Variations

Rice over 4

Rice over 6

Rice over 8