New Stitch Monday – Skipped Tent with Brick Beading

Today I am sharing a stitch and I have to admit that I have never used before.  I usually type up the stitch guides for Ridgewood Needlepoint and in one of the guides that Gretchen did she used Skipped Tent with Brick Beading on one of the Raymond Crawford Christmas Finials.  Be on the lookout, in the coming months we will be debuting the finials with stitch guides.

The stitch looked interesting but I didn’t have a photo to show how it looked so I stitched up a quick sample using some stash thread and beads from on of my 15 different Tacky Bobs.  Set up the Skipped Tent stitch first and then add the beads.  I think I would normally try to match the bead to the thread I am using but after stitching this up I see there can be many ways to change how it would look by changing the color of the bead.  Go darker or lighter or use a totally different color than your thread.  When beading I generally use an invisible nylon beading thread.  Some stitchers like to use a beading thread that matches their beads.  It’s a personal preference.  Give it a try, I know I will.

Happy Stitching – Stephanie

Skip Tent with Brick Beading sample

Skip Tent

Skip & Brick Beading

Brick Beading